This is our newest venture within IAM Ministries. In reading the parable of the great banquet we understand the owner of the banquet is angry when he makes the following request ‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.’ Our Heavenly Father desires that everyone would eat at His table. When we are “too busy” and can not reach out to those less fortunate He is saddened (even angered). IAM ABLE is based on this Kingdom building parable to see everyone be a part of the great banquet. As we fellowship with those living with disabilities we are discovering their desire to know God and fulfill the dreams they have been given.

Keith Howell’s Bio
The beginning was almost tragic, the outcome truly remarkable. Keith Howell, president and founder of Howell Ventures Ltd. was in his early teens when he became a quadriplegic. As in most teenage boys, Howell still carried the desire to drive a car and be independent. After trying several styles of manual hand controls, Howell settled on one that dealt best with his disability. The only problem was that the manufacturer of the particular style had gone out of business. So, Howell set about to manufacture a set of controls that would emulate the easiest style of driving that he was able to find.
Thirty years later, Howell’s SURE GRIP HAND CONTROLS have become a leader in the disabled driving aids market in both Canada and U.S.A. Howell Ventures consists of a major manufacturing facility, with its corporate office located in Upper Kingsclear, NB, Canada.
Keith has been blessed with a family of three children and six grandchildren. One of Keith’s greatest joys is the fact that he has been able to bless so many of his family. Now Keith, along with his son, Cody, want to extend that blessing to others beyond their family in the creation of the Keith Howell Mobility Trust.
How it Works
Once an award for equipment has been made, H.V.L. will be notified by IAM Ministries. H.V.L. will then look to a certified Sure Grip dealer for the purpose of having the awaited equipment installed. There will be 4 fundings periods, Applications will be received during the first month of each funding period. Awards will be made and products distributed before the end of each quarter and prior to the next application funding period. Applicants may only apply twice.
The intent of these equipment awards by IAM Ministries, via Keith Howell Mobility Trust, is to provide basic low tech driving aids to individuals with disabilities who are in need of assistance.
Ways to be Involved
• As an applicant by going through the application process
• as a prayer partner
• with a financial partnership